Wednesday 19 November 2014

Time Management

Date 19/11/2104

For past 2 days I have been looking into lynda course :-
 "Time Management Fundamentals with Dave Crenshaw"
Course talks about the how to manage the time and get things done. Let me jot down the points and be a summarization of the course taken.

  1. Don't use your mind as a sticky notes.
  2. Have one and only one Inbox to put all your task and then process depending upon priority.
  3. Remember three important things needed to save time. Space, Mind, Time.
  4. Space talks about " where we gather all task needed to be done".
  5. Mind "Never ever store anything in the mind and use it as a remainder".
  6. Always use mind for processing things and not for reminding things.
  7. Learning to say no, if you already planned something you can say no to your peer and then look into whatever they want.
Planning on daily basis 
  1. Go through the google notes
  2. Plan your calendar after you wake up
  3. Work according to that
  4. Revisit the plan at night and mark once you have done the task.
  5. Minimum of 4 hrs of learning should be there daily. 

Thursday 13 November 2014

Regular Expression

Date 14/11/2014

Regular Expression
Sequence of characters that forms a search pattern, mainly for use in pattern matching with strings, or string matching.

Two version of Regular Expression

  • BRE - Basic Regular Expression.
  • ERE - Extended Regular Expression.
For learning purpose we will be using -

Now we know that we use regex for pattern matching but how did they standardize, who is taking care of that.
It is taken care by - POSIX "Portable Operating System Interface" . 

To dive deep into regular expression, we need to learn more about formal language automata. 
Abstract idea for Regex - Converting regex to nda(non- deterministic automata) and then if possible convert it to fda(finite state automata) and then we send each string to automata and if it passes, we add the count. 

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Jan 7

Place - Coimbatore

Started my project. Nice progress. Need to learn about cam-shift algorithm.
Codechef January problem was a big head-ache. Many WA due to unsigned long. Got accepted when I changed that to Unsigned long long. Didn't learn much .

Will update the blog from tomorrow. Even modular multiplication can be learned. Need to push my self to the next level. 

Monday 6 January 2014

Jan 6

Place - Coimbatore

I reached Coimbatore at 9:30 in morning. Bus was very late. Came to my room freshened up and didn do much. Figured out new method to solve Codechef MTRICK problem.

Instead of brute forcing a solution we need to find a easy way to bring up the solution.
Cleaned my room and not much interesting things I learned.
Did SRM 603 solved 2. Didn get any idea for the 1000pts and need to check out and understand the solution atleast.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Jan 5

Place - Bangalore

Started to learn void pointer, What are the use of void pointer and how you declare it.
Void Pointer
It is useful when you want to write a module that works for all type then void pointer is very useful.
We ll discuss how to declare void pointer and deference the void pointer.

Initialization void pointer
void *ptr;    // ptr is declared as Void pointer

char cnum;
int inum;
float fnum;
Suppose we have assigned integer Address to void pointer then -
ptr = &inum;  // ptr has address of integer data
then to De-reference this void pointer we should use following syntax -
Now in C++ then how with a new syntax to de-reference the variable
void *value;
Today is the last day in bangalore and from tomorrow college start. Stay tuned for new adventure to come. Done with SRM 303, Need to write a blog on that.

 And read an interesting blog on conversion of top-down to bottom-up approach

Saturday 4 January 2014

Jan 4

Place - Bangalore

Open CV is awesome, I learnt to use contour method to track moving object. But object tracking can be done using convex hull or we need to draw a initial rectangle and make the user to start from the initial state of the rectangle so that tracking becomes easier.

I like to share various link that was useful for me in search of tracking object using Open CV

The below mentioned site is used for hand gesture recon. Need to read and get idea.

The below mentioned site talks about camshift algorithm and kalman filter.
Useful for tracking moving object need to explore what that is

Yesterday SRM will be finished today. Going to start USACO training and create a blog on how to approach USACO problem with confidence. I feel USACO problem are way to good and once we solve all the problems we will to get know all the algorithm, indeed needed for competitive programming.

Those who want to start, can try creating an account here 

Friday 3 January 2014

Jan 3

Place - Bangalore

Started my day by creating flow algorithm. I learnt knuh's algorithm and implemented for an problem. Now trying to use Maxflow algorithm for bipartite matching problem.
It is nice to implement the flow algorithm and learn it's working.

Instead of HSV algorithm the below mentioned gives a better result.

Next is to start hand-tracking for the project.
Today SRM 303 is pending. Nice problem actually need to spend time on how to implement it. So giving a break won make things go wrong.